Advice > The Golden Visa  Program

The Golden Visa Program

The Golden Visa program

What is the Golden Visa?

The Golden Visa, also known as the Residence Permit through Investment Program, is an initiative by the Portuguese government that grants residency authorization to non-EU citizens who make a significant investment in the country.

Who can apply?

The Golden Visa program is open to citizens of any country that is not a member of the European Union or the European Economic Area.

What are the advantages of the Golden Visa?

The Golden Visa offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Residency in Portugal: The Golden Visa allows you to live, work, and study in Portugal.
  • Free movement in Europe: After two years, you can obtain free movement within the Schengen Area, allowing visa-free travel to 26 other European countries.
  • Family reunification: You can bring your family to Portugal, including your spouse, dependent children, and parents.
  • Path to citizenship: After five years of permanent residency, you can apply for Portuguese citizenship.
  • Tax benefits: Non-habitual residents in Portugal can benefit from a flat-rate income tax of 20% on foreign-sourced income.

How long is the Golden Visa valid for?

The Golden Visa is initially granted for a period of two years. After this period, it can be renewed for successive two-year periods until permanent residency is obtained.

What are the fees involved?

There are some fees associated with the Golden Visa application process, including:

  • Government fees:
    • Online application submission
    • License grant fee
    • Renewal fee
  • Legal fees:
    • Application fee
    • Renewal fee
    • Civil registry and certificate fees: Variable

Can I apply for family reunification under the Golden Visa?

Yes, you can apply for family reunification to bring your family to Portugal. This includes your spouse, dependent children up to the age of 24 (or older if they are in full-time education), and dependent parents.

Changes to the Golden Visa Program in October 24, 2023

On October 24, 2023, the Golden Visa program underwent some changes aimed at making it more selective and directing it towards investments that contribute to the development of the Portuguese economy. The main changes include:

  • Increase in Minimum Investment:
    • Real estate: The minimum investment in residential real estate increased from €350,000 to €500,000.
    • Investment funds: The minimum investment in venture capital funds increased from €250,000 to €350,000.
  • Exclusion of Certain Regions:
    • Lisbon and Porto: The purchase of residential real estate in high-density urban areas, such as Lisbon and Porto, is no longer eligible for the program.
  • New Investment Categories:
    • Research and Development Investment: A new investment category in research and development has been introduced, with a minimum investment of €500,000.
    • Capital Transfer: The transfer of capital to Portugal, without a specific investment, has also been included as an option, with a minimum amount of €1,000,000.

More Information

For more details on the Golden Visa program, we recommend that you consult the website of the Immigration and Borders Service (SEF):

Note: The information provided in this summary is general in nature and may be subject to change. We recommend consulting an immigration professional for up-to-date and personalized information.


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We hope this information was useful. 


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