About us > Testimonials
About us


Our client's opinion matters!
At AlgarveProperty.com, we take our client’s comments and suggestions very seriously, as they can help us improve our service standards tremendously. Your opinion about your experience with us is important... please share it here.


Some of our clients are kind enough to share their experience with us... read on...


Thank you for taking the time to read some of my testimonials.


Depois de alguns anos usando os serviços da Kasas-Algarve Property, achamos por bem enviar-vos uma palavra de agradecimento, pelo bom serviço que nos têm dado e que tem felizmente resultado em excelentes negócios.

A vossa imagem, as vossas instalações e acima de tudo a vossa atitude e profissionalismo, coloca-vos num patamar de excelência pouco usual no Algarve e até Portugal.

O vosso pessoal sempre pronto, sempre amigável e simpático faz com que a experiência de comprar e vender propriedade no Algarve se torne num verdadeiro prazer.

Pelos bons concelhos e pelo sempre presente acompanhamento personalizado e profissional aqui ficam os nossos sinceros agradecimentos.

Com os nossos melhores cumprimentos
Pasito Investments
Algarve – Portugal



Emidio Rodrigues


It has been very satisfying dealing with AlgarveProperty.com, you made our experience of buying property in the Algarve very pleasant.What seemed like a very complicated process ended up being quite a nice experience, thanks to your team efficiency and friendliness.We have now bought and sold several properties in the Algarve through you and will of course do it again.Thanks for the great recommendations, so far we’ve done really well financially.Your great service and attitude is highly recommendable.

Emidio & Piedade Rodrigues 

